Department National Executive Committeeperson

Tammy Ryberg - National Executive Committeewoman

Tammy Ryberg – Department National Executive Committeewoman

I encourage all of you to read the ‘National Auxiliary’ magazine that is sent to each member’s household. It contains great information on American Legion Auxiliary programs. The Auxiliary publication is helpful in sharing what other Departments and units are doing and provides ideas for units to try in their own communities. It is full of information on how and where to look for help if needed.

It is time to plan the year for your unit. Review the unit’s yearly budget and start there. Next, decide what programs you wish to support and work on and get started on how to implement those programs. Each Department Chairman will assemble a work outline for their program. Unit Presidents will receive that information from the Department Office in unit mailing packets.

One main way to stay connected to unit members is for the Unit President or a specified member to make contact. Utilize texting, emails, or phone calls to let members know what is coming up and what volunteer opportunities are available. That way everyone knows and can decide how to be useful. All unit members should be encouraged to share their ideas. Keep unit members involved and lines of communication open.

Involvement is the key to keep your unit active, helpful, and ALIVE!!!!

Tammy Ryberg

Articles in ‘The Message’

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