

LoAnn Dick – Department Membership Co-Chairman

LoAnn Dick – Department Membership Co-Chairman

Hello to all North Dakota District Presidents, Unit Presidents, and Unit Membership Chairmen.

MEMBERSHIP! MEMBERSHIP! MEMBERSHIP! Where have we heard this before” Membership is the key to keeping our American Legion Auxiliary alive and well in NORTH DAKOTA! Without a full roster of members who have paid their dues, we could eventually lose our Auxiliary!

We must awaken our units and members to the important issue of membership and encourage our members to pay their dues and help support veterans and their families. Let us strive in the next 30 days to reach 100% membership for all units.

I know that your hear me talk on this issue every month, but it is critical! North Dakota has a goal of 8,385 members, but currently we are far short of our goal. We only have 6,373 members paid for 2024. We still have 2,012 members to round up!

Contact your members! Ask them to pay their dues! Ask your paid members to help you ask the unpaid members to pay their dues. We all need each other in order to have active, effective, vibrant units fulfilling all our projects and promises to our wonderful veterans who gave their time, effort, and some who gave their lives for us. Let us never let them down.

Candace Berg, Membership Co-Chairman

Candace Berg, Membership Co-Chairman

Make it your Unit’s priority to get your Unit to 100% PAID MEMBESHIP! The statistics are:
12 units at 100+
29 units at 90%+
34 units at 80%+
Some units are missing just 1-4 members to be 100%

With just a few more phone calls, just a little more effort, you too can reach your Unit’s goal!

Do not let your members slip away! Contact them by phone, email, or just send them a note asking them to come to a meeting or a coffee party! Let them know how important they are to you, your Unit, and especially to our veterans!

Enlist other members to contact missing members. When we work together, we can accomplish great things.

I love you all and want our 2024 Great Buffalo Round-Up for Membership to be the ‘Best Year Possible.”

LoAnn Dick
Membership Co-Chairman

2023-2024  Membership Year Documents


Benefits Available with membership

ALA Membership Application

Please send completed application to the Department office (unless you know what unit you are joining).  We will help find a North Dakota unit for you.

Mail to:

American Legion Auxiliary, Department of North Dakota
1801 23rd Ave N, Rm 113
Fargo, ND  58102-1047


*The membership year runs from January 1-December 31.  Also note, both male and female spouses of military veterans are now eligible to join the American Legion Auxiliary.*

Want to renew online or by telephone through National?  Visit RENEW

Data Verification Due by April 30, 2024 to Department Office 


Information for Unit Membership Chairmen

Helpful forms

*Please note:  not all browsers support fillable pdf forms.  It is recommended that you utilize Adobe Acrobat Reader DC.  Download Adobe Acrobat Reader DC here*

Additional Resources

Visit the National American Legion Auxiliary webpage on Membership

Interested in Joining?  Visit the National website link at Member Information

Membership Archives

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