

Below are links to several forms.  Most of the forms are updated annually; please use current forms. They may be downloaded/opened using Adobe Reader or any other pdf reader. Download Adobe Reader free here if needed. In a few cases, alternative file types are available. The content of the two files types are the same.  Feel free to contact the Department office if you would like printed copies sent to you.

Volunteer Hours Tracking  Form for tracking volunteer hours. Pick the form that works for you.  Unit member use only.  Unit presidents, district presidents and chairmen use impact report forms listed under reporting.

Reporting Forms Reporting procedures and forms have been provided for the 2024-2025 year in order to better guide members and units with reporting.  Go to Reporting for more information.

Girls State Registration-Medical/Physical form and City Mom applications can be found on the Girls State website.

Scholarship applications may be found on the Education page and Parley page

Unit Member of the Year and Servicemember of the Year applications may be found on the Leadership and National Security pages

Awards – several awards are available on the Reporting and Awards webpage

Membership Submission Form  This form is used to submit member dues to the Department office. The first page is used to figure out how much needs to be sent to the Department office. The second sheet may be used to submit the names of those whose dues are being paid.

*Please note:  not all browsers support fillable pdf forms.  Download Adobe Reader DC here*

Member Data Form  This form is used to submit changes to the Department office including name, address and marking a member as deceased. It can also be used for transfers between units. With the exception of unit transfers, changes may be submitted to the Department office via email, if preferred.

*Please note:  not all browsers support fillable pdf forms.  Download Adobe Reader DC here*

Membership Application This form is used when you have new members that you would like to sign up for your units.

PUFL Application

Paid Up For Life members (PUFL) are life members on the National level.  In order to be a PUFL member for the year 2025, the application must be received at the National office by December 1, 2024. Any applications received after that date will be processed for the 2026 membership year. Once the form has been filled out through your unit, it can be sent directly to the National office.  Any questions on filling out the form may be directed to the Department office.

Payment Form This form is used to send payments to the office, including mandatory contributions. Discard any copies of this form predating 6-2024.   Now included is a list of fund descriptions on page 2. Contact the Department office if you wish to check on last year’s membership numbers.

Poppy Order Form Please use this form to place your poppy order. Discard all old copies of this form (prior to 8-2024) and use the form below.

Dues Reminder Statement   This form may be used to send reminders to members who have not paid dues.  Reminders are automatically sent to members who have not paid their dues in mid-September and mid-January.

Unit Officer List for 2025-2026 This form is used to submit unit officer information to the Department office. A new form is required each year. Due by June 1st, 2025.

2026 Unit Dues Rate and Remit-to Address Form. ***Due May 1, 2025, to Department office This form is used to gather the dues rate and dues remittance address for each Unit. It is incredibly important that this form is turned in before May 1, 2025.


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