District 2

Shelley Schuster – District 2 President
Hello District 2 Auxiliary Members,
We had a good turnout for our 2024 Fall District meeting held in Park River. Thank you to our members and guests that attended.
Department President LoAnn Dick attended and reported on the National Convention. The theme was “BE THE ONE.” There was a class on suicide prevention at the convention. More information can be found on the national Legion website.
Other topics at the convention included encouraging Units to apply for grants to help with projects they may be working on. The goal is to award five grants from National for each Department. More information can be found on the national Auxiliary website.
Candace Berg, President-Elect/Co-Chair membership, spoke about membership. She distributed member benefits brochures.
Congratulations to Units whose membership is already at or over 100%. Certificates were presented to the following District 2 Units: Cavalier, Lankin, Mountain, and Tolna. Others that received their certificates at the 2024 Department Convention were Park River and Pisek.
Judy Twete, NEC, spoke about the Auxiliary Emergency Fund (AEF) that responds to member needs during a disaster. She also mentioned Leadership Workshops. If you get a chance to attend, do so. You will not regret it.
At our spring meeting someone suggested compiling lists of ways to volunteer. We had several wonderful suggestions including: Halloween gifts, May baskets, Socks of Love, beautification of their Legion and town, Pocket flags, and Purple Up Day for military children. Please keep the suggestions coming.
I asked for nominations for District Vice President. Larissa Schmitz has accepted the position of District Vice President. Thank you, Larissa. You will do a wonderful job.
Have you finished updating your Constitution & Bylaws? If not, please complete them as soon as possible. I also want to remind every Unit to fill out your IRS 990-N tax-exemption form online to maintain your non-profit status.
Shelley Schuster
District 2 President
Vice President – Position Open
District 2 Units
- Cavalier Unit 11
- Edinburg Unit 156
- Forest River Unit 251
- Grafton Unit 41
- Grand Forks Unit 6
- Lakota Unit 21
- Lankin Unit 157
- Larimore Unit 97
- Manvel Unit 299
- McVille Unit 135
- Michigan Unit 238
- Minto Unit 201
- Mountain Unit 227
- Northwood Unit 92
- Park River Unit 147
- Pembina Unit 77
- Pisek Unit 208
- St. Thomas Unit 168
- Thompson Unit 181
- Tolna Unit 162