Junior Activities

Junior Activities

Jane Schoonover – Chairmanjunioractivities@ndala.org

Jane Schoonover – Chairman


The purpose of the Junior Activities Program is to inspire active participation in members aged 17 and under so they become engaging, productive members who will want to continue their American Legion Auxiliary membership into adulthood.

Key Program Statements:

To inspire active participation in members age 17 and under so that they will become engaging, productive members who will want to continue their American Legion Auxiliary membership into adulthood.

To build the Junior Activities program one member at a time by giving Junior members a voice and an opportunity to participate.

To promote and encourage Junior participation in the Patch Program in order to teach them about the mission of the American Legion Auxiliary.

To make Junior meetings fun and informative.

(Courtesy National Office)

National Junior Activities Program

Junior Activities Archives

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