Unit Revitalization Committee
Dear Auxiliary Members,
A new year is upon us so we need to strive for the best membership numbers we can achieve. We need to push hard to get new members as well as the members that have dropped out of the rolls for some reason. We need to progress in our units and Department. We cannot keep running our organization on the statement “we have always done it this way.” We need to keep up on the changes in technology, membership, fundraising and programs that are always updating. There is forever change and it is part of our lives. We need to embrace change and find new ways to do things better and more efficiently.
Our Department has a newly formed standing committee called the Revitalization Membership Committee. This committee was approved by the assembly members at the 2024 Department Convention which was held at the end of June in Bismarck. We are a committee of 3 members, Holly Eslinger, Shelley Schuster and Gloria Covert. The District Presidents are a sub-committee under the 3-person committee.
Disbandment of units is taking a large toll on our membership. We cannot afford to keep losing 300 to 400 members year after year. There are about 150 or so of these members that are deceased members yearly. Our new committee is looking at saving our units through reorganization instead of disbandment. Members of the committee are here to help you with whatever plan we can produce to keep units viable. You do not have to be stressed and frustrated if your unit is struggling. We are just a phone call away!
Our disbandment of units knocks our membership numbers down substantially. Losing these members affects our Department budget as each member pays annual dues. Our Department operates on dues income and unit contributions. We have no other income.
Remember the “why” you are an Auxiliary member. Make sure you are always branded when you are working on any Auxiliary project.
Thank you, members, for all your hard work for our veterans, military families, youth and community. You are very much appreciated!
Always be kind.
Gloria Covert – Chairman

Gloria Covert – Chairman nationalsecurity@ndala.org