Department National Executive Committeeperson

Judy Twete - National Executive

Judy Twete – National Executive Committeewoman


Here I hope you had a very blessed Christmas and are faring will in 2025 so far. I hope that this is a year of great accomplishments and commitment.

What do I mean when I say accomplishments? Well one factor is getting our membership into positive shape and by making some commitments. Our Department Membership Chairman, Candace Berg, had been working hard and shared some great information at the Fall District Meetings to take home to our units. She is a busy and very capable young lady. She will also make a great Department President in a few months. As for commitments, we need to be ‘jacked up’ in many areas of this wonderful organization.

• Where are the numbers in the reporting of accomplishment of members and units?
• Where is the ‘Take Charge’ attitude that we need to get things done and reported to our respective chairman who in turn will get the reports to Division and possibly make the worthy reports all the way to National Chairmen?

Units do great things, and in many cases forget to report them in the Impact Reports. I know if a few hardworking members take a morning with coffee, ideas, and memories of just what has happened in our unit in the past months, it will be easier to report. The McVille unit uses our Secretary’s checkbook/monthly statements to remind us of our monetary giving, and our Secretary’s log to share what we spent our time on. Come on members, let us make this a year of better reporting, so National can have information on what the Great Department of ND does.

Another commitment I feel so strongly about is the building of knowledgeable members for fulfilling Department positions. Running for a Department office or taking a chairmanship requires knowledge about the organization and our goals for members to make a positive effect in continuing our Department. There is so much information out there shared by the National organization that I feel is sometimes overlooked.

National has the wonderful ALA Academy that is so full of information it might make you head spin…take it slowly, members, and you will be wiser for it. Read the Department newsletter sent out quarterly, look at the National ALA Magazine. Finally make use of Past officers or chairmen that have weathered a few bumps but are better off for what they have learned. This is not a ‘One man/woman job! It requires education from those that have served and those who have done a good job in their position. Seek help and do not think you are going to run this organization with your ideas alone.  There are rules, requirements, and a lot of history that has and will keep our great organization together and thriving.

Another suggestion I have…yes, I have one more thing, and it is important. Gathering together in a situation of like-minded people/members can be of so much benefit. So just where are these places? You know but maybe have not considered just how to make it work. Yes, many of us do not feel we have the funds to attend Department meetings such as the Department Convention and the Winter Conference. Money is tight and paying for the trip, lodging, and meals can make a big dent in personal and unit budgets.

Consider this, perhaps several unit members’ travel together to the meetings…that travel cost can be divided by several members rather than bearing it all on your own. We know that you have to have a place to lay your head for a couple of nights, there again share a room! You do not know what fun a group of women can have as they fall asleep giggling about something funny that tickles them all! You cannot imagine how many members I have shared hotel accommodation with from all over the country while being at a place of learning. Then there is that costly item to keep your tummies quiet. There too, make it a challenge to think of some breakfast items that you can share in your room. Bring along a batch of muffins and you will impress all the hungry roommates. Do the same for lunch and dinner if you can. A salad from a deli bar, or a PB and J sandwich from your room refrigerator will not break the bank. I know staying in a hotel that has no restaurant and having to consider paying $20 for breakfast and lunch is costly. Be creative and make your trip a chance to share ideas with fellow members. If you will consider these suggestions, you may be able to afford a trip to a Winter Conference or a Department Convention, where you can meet people and learn just what we represent and strive to make the organization with your help and insight into the real ALA. Think about making a plan to attend these learning activities and make yourself and your unit a better place and it may even inspire you to seek a position on a District or Department level.

OK, now to what this NEC is supposed to say about her job of 4 months! I really have nothing to report. The NEC’s had an instructional meeting following our installation in New Orleans, but other than that, I have been put on a committee to help solve some other Department’s issues (all very confidential) , but so far that has been postponed.

So here I sit in North Dakota wearing an NEC name plate with no work to accomplish. That is fine with me, I know at some point I will have to join this assigned meeting and try to solve some issues with them.

I pray what I have shared with you, will bring you suggestions on how YOU can be a more involved and educated member who will “Make our Organization Great again!”

God Bless you all and I hope to see you soon toting your cooler with your daily meals in it! Learn something you need to know. You will enjoy it!

Judy Twete, NEC

Gloria Covert – NEC Alternate

Gloria Covert – NEC Alternate

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