National Security Program
Salute to Servicemembers Online Only Form – Due June 1
SALUTE TO SERVICE MEMBERS AWARD – As members, please keep on the lookout for any service members that you feel deserve this recognition. You don’t have to wait all year to make a nomination. The form is active NOW! Submit anytime from now until the deadline of June 1. North Dakota had no nominations last year. Let’s aggressively look for someone from each branch. If your unit is close to a recruiter, check with them for a nomination or if they are eligible to be nominated.
Auxiliary Members,
The American Legion Auxiliary National Security Program promotes a strong national defense by strengthening and supporting military service members and their families. From fires, flooding to hurricanes, the National Guard is ready to assist.
DID YOU KNOW: The National Guard is a key asset in the nation’s response to disaster, working alongside first responders to support local, state and federal agencies:
• EXPERTISE: The National Guard can provide expertise in areas like debris removal, damage assessment, infrastructure support, logistics, medical assistance and search and rescue.
• COMMUNICATION: The National Guard can provide critical communication capabilities to help first responders stay connected and informed.
• FORCE MULTIPLIER: The National Guard can act as force multiplier, with people organized, trained and ready to go.
Reach out to your local recruiters’ office, to see how your Unit can help support the families of our National Guard while they are supporting us and don’t forget about your local first responders too! Explore the National Guard’s website. Just enter your zip code to find the nearest recruiting office.
If you want to keep up on National Security happenings, please join the National Facebook page: ALA National Security. There are ideas and many questions asked so you can utilize this information.
The POW-MIA table should be part of any event the Legion Family is sponsoring. Its presence is important as we cannot forget our veterans. These veterans are not home yet so they are still considered on active duty.
If you have any questions about National Security, please contact me.
Gloria Covert, Chairman
- March 2025 Unit Mailing
- January 2025 Unit Mailing and March 2025 Message Article
- December 2024 Unit Mailing and Dec 2024 Message Article
- National Security information from National office (members only)
Salute to Servicemembers Award – Due June 1
Established in 2003, this award has evolved from honoring women veterans to honoring active-duty women to honoring all enlisted personnel who are currently serving our country in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard, and Space Force – including the National Guard and Reserve components of each branch. E1-E9 grades may be nominated.
Nomination Requirements
- The nominating person submits a narrative discussing the reason for the nomination
- A picture of the servicemember (preferably official Department of Defense photograph)
- Endorsement from a member of their command group must be included
- The nominating form, along with all supporting documentation, must be completed and submitted by June 1 (Please use the online submittal form)
The servicemember will be invited to speak to the general assembly of the American Legion Auxiliary National Convention as a guest of the American Legion Auxiliary. If operational requirements prevent the servicemember’s attendance at National Convention then other arrangements for their presentation to the general assembly will be made.
(Courtesy National Auxiliary website)