Department Secretary’s Corner

Marcy Schmidt – Department Secretary
Photo courtesy: IceBerg Art
Greetings Auxiliary Members,
I am thankful for the mild winter we have had so far. I am pretty sure a ‘wolf ate the groundhog’ so we will see a few more weeks of winter. Spring will be welcome whenever she arrives. Although it was disappointing that the Winter Conference was canceled, I was glad to see that so many made the trek to Minot to witness the Oratorical Contest.
I want to remind all members to turn in your volunteer hours and donations to your unit presidents so it can be compiled and sent on to District Presidents and Department Chairmen. It is important to report your activities so the National American Legion and Auxiliary organizations can report to Congress on the vital work we accomplish for our veterans, military, and their families.
Do you know a special unit member that can always be counted on for unit activities but does not seek office beyond unit president? Consider them for the ‘Unit Member of the Year’ award and submit a nomination.
Unit members: remind your juniors and local students to enter the Americanism Essay Contest, Poppy Poster Contest, apply for National and Department scholarships, and apply to attend the Flickertail Girls State event to be held on the UND campus, June 8-13, 2025.
You are all aware that many people, including Auxiliary members, have had their lives turned upside down due to devastating wildfires and hurricanes. I encourage all units to collect change at your unit meetings. Send the proceeds to the Department Office or bring them to your 2025 Spring District Meeting to be donated to the Auxiliary Emergency Fund.
Marcy Schmidt
Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday 8am-3pm
Friday 8am-noon
- Telephone at 701-253-5992
- Email at
- Physical mail at
American Legion Auxiliary, Department of North Dakota
Attn: Marcy Schmidt
1801 23rd Ave N, Rm 113
Fargo, ND 58102-1047
Letters from The Message
Letters from Unit Mailings