

Candace Berg - Membership Photo courtesy: IceBerg Art

Candace Berg – Membership Co-Chairman
Photo courtesy: IceBerg Art

As membership co-chair along with Sandy Smith, we want to say thank you to all units working towards their 100% membership goals and continuing to advocate for our veterans and their families. The latest reports show a lot of units now at 100%. We want to congratulate you on the great work you are doing and thank you for all the volunteer hours you are putting in to keep our membership strong in North Dakota.

Congratulations to the following units who have achieved 100% membership:

District 1:  Buffalo, Hannaford, and Fingal
District 2:  Park River and Thompson
District 3:  Knox and York
District 4:  Carrington, New Rockford, Medina, and Gackle
District 5:  Washburn and Wilton
District 6:  Plaza, Bowbells, and Butte
District 7:  Carson
District 8:  Reeder and Halliday
District 9:  Crosby, Powers Lake, Wildrose, Grenora, and New Town
District 10: Lisbon, Ellendale, Edgeley, Milnor, and Forbes

Sandy Smith – Membership Co-Chairman

Sandy Smith – Membership Co-Chairman

To add to this list of 29 units that have reached 100%, we have an additional 50 units in ND that are at 85% membership or greater! To everyone who is working on membership this year- keep going! Keep it up! We know you can all reach 100%!

If you are not at 100% membership for your unit, please reach out to your District President to see how they can help. Have phone calls been made for membership? Are all the membership applications and renewals being sent in as soon as they are received?

Encourage new people to join the Auxiliary. Share your story of why you are a member. Encourage them to invite others to become members. If they have children or grandchildren, discuss membership benefits. Everyone has a part in keeping our membership strong and keeping our Auxiliary units going.

Keep in mind – membership matters, and every moment is a membership moment! Every single membership matters to our units, our Districts, our Department, and our nation. North Dakota is now at nearly 80% toward reaching our goal of 100% for the state and 80% also in the NW Division at the national level.

Your Department Membership Team.

Candace Berg and Sandy Smith

2024-2025  Membership Year Documents


Benefits Available with membership

ALA Membership Application

Please send completed application to the Department office (unless you know what unit you are joining).  We will help find a North Dakota unit for you.

Mail to:

American Legion Auxiliary, Department of North Dakota
1801 23rd Ave N, Rm 113
Fargo, ND  58102-1047


*The membership year runs from January 1-December 31.  Also note, both male and female spouses of military veterans are now eligible to join the American Legion Auxiliary.*

Want to renew online or by telephone through National?  Visit RENEW

Data Verification Due by May 1, 2025 to Department Office 


Information for Unit Membership Chairmen

Helpful forms

*Please note:  not all browsers support fillable pdf forms.  It is recommended that you utilize Adobe Acrobat Reader DC.  Download Adobe Acrobat Reader DC here*

Additional Resources

Visit the National American Legion Auxiliary webpage on Membership

Interested in Joining?  Visit the National website link at Member Information

Membership Archives

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