District 8

Beverly Wolff – District 8 President
Greetings District 8 Auxiliary Members.
First, I want to thank you for the support and encouragement you have all shown me the past two years as your District President. It was an honor and a privilege to serve, and I know you will give your full support to future District Officers as well.
If your unit is struggling with membership or other issues, I urge you to contact your District President, the Department Office, or the Department Membership Chairman for assistance. Together, we can be effective to hopefully help save units and their members from the decision to disband. Do not be afraid to reach out. We are available to assist you.
Thank you for everything you do for our veterans and their families. Stay true to the Auxiliary mission. God bless each and every one of you.
Barbara Fulton
Past District 8 President

Richardton District 7 and 8 Meeting. Pictured (l-r): LoAnn Dick, Department President-Elect and Membership; Rose Laning, Department Chaplain; Lualice Stockert, District 7 President; Gloria Covert, Department President; Beverly Wolff, District 8 Vice President; Barbara Fulton, District 8 President
Vice President – Carol Weyer
Units in District 8
- Beach Unit 5
- Belfield Unit 144
- Dickinson Unit 3
- Halliday Unit 258
- Hettinger 115
- Killdeer Unit 46
- Mott Unit 71
- New England Unit 66
- Reeder Unit 51
- Regent Unit 273
- Richardton Unit 180
- Scranton Unit 151