District 4

Jane Schoonover - District 4 Presidentdistrict4@ndala.org

Jane Schoonover – District 4 President

District Meetings

Hello District 4 Units.

At our 2024 Spring meeting, we invited some of the staff from The Service Dogs for America to speak. They brought two service dogs with them: Dolly, a 1-year-old black Lab and Major, an older rescue mixed breed. Ryan is the owner and partner to Major who is trained for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). We were informed that dogs pick their people, which is amazing in itself. We want to thank Vickie, Ryan & Major, and Zoey & Dolly for coming to our meeting. There were a lot of questions and information shared. District 4 collected funds to donate to the Service Dogs program and I encourage you keep them in mind when you do your yearly budget. They invited us to visit their training facility in Jud, ND.

Our second guest was Department President Gloria Covert. She reminded us that April was Military Children and Purple Up Day and National Poppy Day is Friday, May 23rd. Gloria wants us to be aware of the Legislature bills pertaining to veterans. The first Friday of each month is “Be the One.” She also encourages units to sign up for American Legion Auxiliary Management Information System (ALAMIS) access as a tool to maintain your membership. LoAnn Dick, Department Membership Chairman and President-Elect, joined Gloria at our Spring meeting and stressed the importance of your Auxiliary membership.

District Vice President Gail Marsolek and I were nominated to serve as your District Officers for 2024-2026. We are hoping to visit all units in District 4 in the upcoming months.

God Bless our veterans.

Jane Schoonover
District 4 President

Gail Marsolek – District 4 Vice President

District 4 Archives

District 4 Poppy Poster Winners

Gackle-Streeter poppy poster winners were recognized at the District 4 Fall meeting in Jamestown. Pictured from left: Elaine Ackerman, Gackle Unit President; Jenna Homola, Department winner; Kyla Lybrand, Department winner; and Olivia Lang, Department and NW Division National winner. Congratulations! (Poppy photo courtesy of Candace Berg/ IceBerg Art)

District 4 Units

Carrington Unit 25
Gackle Unit 250
Goodrich Unit 56
Jamestown Unit 14
McClusky Unit 124
McHenry Unit 160
Medina Unit 245
New Rockford Unit 30
Streeter Unit 265
Wimbledon Unit 236


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